Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 8: Wiki

Wikipedia is wikipedia interaction is a written in different language online encyclopedia, the goal and mission is to provide free for all humanity encyclopedia with their choice of language to write and become,  it is a dynamic, free access and editing the global knowledge body. It is a quite popular in many countries.The characteristics of a WiKi is a collaborative writing system for many people. Compared with the common systems such as blogs, Evernote  and Google Docs.

WiKi has the following features:
1. Easy to use: It is quickly create, modify the various pages of the site content. Format is simple, it will  basic content can be completed through text editing way and use a small amount of simple control characters can also strengthen the article display effect.

2. The organization of Wiki: As well as the content of the page, the hypertext interconnected relations can also modify and optimization and system in multiple content repeat page can be gathered in one of the corresponding link structure change.

3. Increasing the Growth: The Wiki page can link target does not yet exist, by click on the link, we can create the page, make the system to grow. Revision history is record the revision of the page, each version of the page can be obtained.

4. OpennessThe members of the community to create, modify, or delete pages. The system changes on the surface of the inside pages can be clearly observed by visitors.WiKi community support for collaborative writing, also includes a set of auxiliary support this kind of writing tools.  

The Wiki system belongs to a kind of human knowledge network system, we can on the basis of Web browsing on the Wiki text, create, change, and the price of this to create, change, and release is far smaller than HTML text. At the same time the Wiki system also supports the community oriented collaborative writing, provides the necessary help for collaborative writing. Finally, a Wiki nature constitute a community of writers, and the Wiki system provides a simple communication tool to the community. Wiki has the advantages of easy to use and open, so the Wiki system can help us in a community to share knowledge in a particular field. Because the autonomy of the Wiki, can increase, and the characteristics of the observed, the Wiki itself has also become a network research object. The study of Wiki may be able to make people more in depth understanding of network. In addition because WiKi is a group collaboration platform, so it has the characteristics of equality, sharing.

 Although wikipedia can bring convenient to us looking for resources, but in my academic is convenient, I will not use a Wiki for resources, this is because the Wiki is anyone can change the editor, it is not as powerful resources to support me in the use of resources to support my academic views. So when I meet don't know when I can go to a Wiki to understand, but I will not use the resources to support to my academic. I learned in this class in contrast the software, Blog is a kind of usually by individual management, not regular new articles posted. Blog articles according to post time, usually from new to old arrangement in reverse order way. Many blogs focus on a particular subject to provide comments or news, the others being more personal diary. A typical blog combines text, images, and other blog or website links, and other related to the theme of the media. Can make interactive readers to leave comments, is one of the important elements of many blogs. Most of the blog content is given priority to with the text, there are still some blogs focus on art, photography, video, music, podcasts, etc. Various topics. A blog is a part of social media networks.

I believe it is valuable to wiki and blog software, they all have their own different characteristics and advantages, I can't just use a specific tool, because every software can help to me. It is worth mentioning, I also like to use Google docs and Evernote, because these in my life and personal learning can help me a lot.

In this week's session, the digital rights and responsibilities required to be a digital citizen. Here is a diagram of some of the rights & responsibilities:

 Digital Rights and Responsibilities are the "privileges and freedom extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them" (Ribble & Bailey, 2007).

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